
Example 4: Two dimensional collision…without a single equation

Bowling ball is thrown at bowling ball B, which is sitting still. 's path is slightly off center relative to 's position (which is the dashed horizontal line) so it scatters at an angle and also pushes B into an opposite angle. The initial state is slightly transparent relative to the final state.


We'll use real units here: mass is in kg, velocity is in m/s, and so momentum units are kg-m/s.



What we want to know is the momentum of the ball after the scattering. The picture sort of hints at what to expect for the direction, right?

It's the same story as above, except we keep track of both directions separately and then combine them at the end. So here's a picture of the initial state for both the (left) and (right) momenta:


All of the action is along the axis at the beginning, so the vertical action in (b) is all zero.

What we know about the final state is shown here. Remember, we know both the horizontal and the vertical momenta in the final state and we know the final total momentum for each component because of momentum conservation:


Notice that neither the nor the values of 's final momenta are equal to in each direction...but momentum conservation says that the total of and should be equal to the respective horizontal and vertical 's.

So we can simply construct the missing 's momentum in each direction:


Look at it. It makes sense since recoils from in the final state and if went down, then should go up…and it does here.

Now we know everything there is to know about the final bowling balls' two final state motions. We can then draw a precise and accurate Momentum Space Diagram from this information:

In the Momentum Space Diagram, the scale is required and is shown in (a). (b) shows the initial state momenta and (c) takes the thermometer solution from above and plots the final momenta:


This is how car crash expert witnesses make their money. Doing these sorts of calculations but without bowling balls.