What To Remember from Lesson 18

18.8. What To Remember from Lesson 18#

18.8.1. A New Kind of Energy#

Mass is a kind of energy. In an object’s own rest frame, the value of that energy is:

\[ E_m = mc^2 \nonumber \]

As viewed by an observer in a co-moving inertial frame, that energy would appear to be:

\[ E_T=m\gamma c^2 \nonumber \]

This can be interpreted as observing that a moving object appears to have more mass than its value measured within its own rest frame:

\[ m_R = \gamma m \nonumber \]

where “relativistic mass” is sometimes used to represent that quantity. In our terms, this might also be written:

\[ m_H = \gamma m_A \nonumber \]

With some algebra, we can write the total energy of an object in another way:

\[\begin{split} E_T =& E_m + K \\ K =& E_T - E_m \\ K =& m\gamma c^2 - mc^2 \\ K =& mc^2(\gamma -1) \end{split}\]

where \(K\) is the relativistic kinetic energy.